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Through a process of consultation with our client, we recommend and provide unique evolutionary concepts and product innovations for use specifically within the hotel operations for our client to review, amend and approve or as a catalyst for something completely different.


We provide client advice and assistance by creating the high level design specifications for various systems (both BOH and FOH), Network Analysis, ELV, IT, special light switching applications and audio visual systems both within the guest rooms or public areas and co-ordinate with the nominated AV contractors where selected for needs in pursuit of the point of difference but recognize the need for future proofing.


For our clients, we review tender documentation submitted by others to ensure that they meet or exceed the client’s current and future requirements and provide guest recognized value.


Where an “off the shelf” product is unavailable or not appropriate for the client’s need, we provide bespoke design options including the production, delivery, installation and maintenance budgets for consideration.


We review integration designs for in room technology and provide direction and vendor assistance to meet new or customer driven client requirements.


We are not limited by the technology and often are called on to think out of the box to create new guest facing technology as a differentiator for the client. Feel free to test our free thinking engineers.


Our experience in technology and AV design extends not only the past 30 years with Peninsula and other hotels, but also in Fraser’s broadcasting and recording studio design and operation at Radio Station 5KA and SAS 10 Adelaide.


While a holder of the Hong Kong Electrical A certification, the requirements of other countries are generally sought with the assistance of the local MEP, but most follow international standards. We have previously obtained approvals for equipment we have produced from UL and CE as well the Japanese PSE for a multi pin power outlet.


We regularly attend and speak at various international hotel forums, but more importantly work with manufacturers on product design and performance. We are currently working with Samsung on next year’s television. Coming from a design background, we are aware of temporary technology traps so treat major component changes seriously.


We consider it essential that we keep our clients aware of new and emerging technologies as they become known.




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